domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

Lost Opportunities in MLM business!

As a lost opportunity in a MLM business!

Be attentive to MLM opportunities is a skill that requires active listening!.

A few weeks ago one of my new partner in the MLM business I represent told me very proud an event that had lived and as she had rejected an offer to join another organization from another company.

I will tell you this story and the facts as I listen to them and at the end I'll give you my comments of as how she missed the opportunity to sponsor an associate from the competition.

She was telling me that one day she was standing in line toward the cashier at a local Bank office, there was only one cashier available at the time so the waiting time was considerably longer than usual. A lady came to her and stands in line behind her, she quickly started a conversation around the issue and for a few minutes she was leading a good warm chat with my trainee.

At some point of time she grab some flyers and marketing material from her purse to hand them out to our associate. They were some photocopies of nutritional products that she distributes and retail locally to her customers. She offered the information package and she explained that it was only available for distributors in her network so she made the invitation to attend a presentation at her house in the next few days ahead.

Our associate listened carefully and declined the invitation respectfully as she expressed not to be interested in that moment. They exchanged the subject of conversation and continue to chat for another minutes while they reach the bank teller. After that, each of them gets their own road and no more contact has happened since.

When we met for her training session that week, she told me her adventure that day and she handed to me the information package from that lady. They were not good quality prospecting tools however they served her purpose.

I asked her then if she had learned the lesson that she had missed a business opportunity right then and there. She looked at me with surprise as she was convinced that she did not wanted to join another company and she was very happy with our organization. At that moment I pointed out that she had missed an opportunity to sponsor a competition as she was not listening and open to look. Here is what I mean:

MLM Business Opportunity

A missed MLM opportunity!

Finding a person that approach you in the cold market and starts a good nice conversation out of thin air is not common, so that makes her a good qualified individual to become successful network marketer with the appropriate training and tools. Lots of people suffer from fear to connect on cold market! She has this skill already developed and that is a plus!

She controlled the conversation fluently, she was enthusiastic and seemed motivated as well, she was not afraid of reject and moved quickly to make contact.

Her sponsoring tools were not good quality nor the company she was representing so that is an indication that her company may not last long in the industry but she is already bought into the business of network marketing. If her company fails, she will look for another opportunity. Easy prospect!

There were no business cards exchange and She did not notice that my associate was already involved in multilevel marketing but my trainee did not mentioned either nor offered help. Conversation could have gone in a different direction at that point and perhaps end up with an opportunity to build a business relationship with lady.

Lessons to learn from here:

Be ready to listen to others and open to look for opportunites to sponsor. Use your instincts!

Don't be affraid to state that you are a network marketer. Offer some help and guidance if you see they are not very good. Become an expert to their eyes. Take control of the conversation!.

Be professional and show respects for their business at all times. They are as well doing their best to build their business, so you can let them know that you appreciate their offer and you kindly would reffer to others of their business if the market is appropriate for them. YES there is a market niche for each type fo products and business brand. Ask them how could you contact them in case you find a good referral for them. 

You could ask some questions and be interested in them, such as:

How long have you been doing this MLM business ? This will indicate them that you are aware of this business schemes and that may lead into a more productive conversation.

How are they doing with prospecting and recruiting? how is the training the company offer? what is the support system their upline is using?

Is the customer service good for first time customers? how effective do they find their prospecting and marketing tools?

Are they using online marketing tools to promote their business?

These type of questions will show them that you are interested in them and you can become a resource for them. Exchange some business cards and again offer some help. If you leave them with a very good impression of you as a person and contact, they may become part of your group of influence and eventually you get a chance to sponsor them in your opportunity when time is a appropriate for them.

Listen to all conversations around you when you are waiting on a line for a service. you will be surprised how many times you find good quality prospects there. You just need to be Focus!.

Remember, your MLM business success is in the show!

Please share your story if you have lived a situation like this!. Let's team up for your success!

Juan Carlos

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Successful MLM downline tips!

5 tips to build a strong MLM downline!

It is no mistery that it takes time to build a strong MLM downline all by yourself, however if you find 3 or 4 key team players that you can mentor and coach to duplicate your efforts, then you will position yourself in with a competitive advantage to speed up the growth of your network marketing organization.

Team Leadership is a requirement to move the organization towards a common goal.

Tips to build an MLM downline

Here are 5 tips that are going to help you build strong relationships with your downline. 

Tip #1. Choose your best associates for your organization. 

You have to be very carefull when you choose people to sponsor in your MLM organization. Learning how to select key individuals will bring a long term benefit to build up a succesful MLM downline.

Efficient and motivated organizations in network marketing are always driven by strong comitted team leaders that  sift and sort through the pool of prospects.

If you are begining your business and you start making decisions to recruit just anybody for your organization then you will struggle eventually to team up with them and construct a success MLM story.

Avoid at all cost being tempted to just sponsor all kinds of people in your organization, there are plenty of individuals looking for your opportunity but you have to find them.

You have to select only those like minded, self motivated individuals that are willing to step up above the crowd and make things happen for their business.

Tip # 2. Become a Mentor of your team.

Even if you sponsor the best prospects for your organization that will not bring success to your MLM business. You have to be able to provide guidance and support to your new associates with encouragement.

Offer useful help during their training period. Make them feel comfortable working with you and don't push them, let them set up their own pace and rythm! remember that it is their business unit within your organization and they might not have the same needs and goals that you have in the short term.

I would rather have one individual properly trained that builds his/her dream house one brick at a time but steadily because this person has its own incentives. They will not give up on them unless you let them alone.

Keep a personal contact with them and begin building up a relationship of trust with your MLM downline on a firm ground.

This is an important aspect in the process of building your relationship of trust as you team up with your MLM downline.

Empower in the form of encouragement, empower in the form of proving valuable information on key opportunities.

It is not always possible to maintain the same level of enthusiasm and momentum in any business so you must find the time to keep your organization motivated. Send emails on their first sign up of your associates. hand written notes are even better.

Enjoy and applaude success in your team!

Tip # 4. Training must be part of the system

If you want your MLM downline to duplicate your efforts and expand your organization, you have to provide a systemic training process. It should be clear to your organization what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and where to go if anything goes wrong.

Seminars and interactive session should be part of a weekly routine, teach them essentials skills and how to techniques that help them develop their habits and beliefs through practical excercise and role playing

Build some incentives as part of the training through some competition among teams.

Try to maintain a friendly personal environment and make it fun for everybody, this will keep them fire up and motivated and as a result you will see an increase in retention rate in your donwline members and consequently build a solid residual income from your network marketing business unit.

please feel free to share this post with your upline and downline if you find it helpful.

in the meantime, Team Up for sucess!

Juan Carlos Herrera

Photos by: / Renjit Krishnan

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Finding MLM Leads for my business

How I unexpectedly found a good MLM lead for my business!

Good MLM leads will always show up when the time is right for them, Are you ready?

A few months ago I stopped by a printing shop near my office at work, I was going to pick up some drop cards I use to prospect local MLM leads. There were a couple of other customers in the shop so I had to wait for a few minutes.

While the manager was talking to these customers, one of his assistants brought me the drop cards package so that I can start reviewing quality of the printing. They were excellent piece of work! I pulled one card designed to attract leads for our natural weight loss program.

The design caught the attention of one the customers and she immediatelly approached me with a question!

We had a conversation on the subject for about 10-15 minutes, she happened to be a foot massage therapist and she came from a city located 4 hours from my hometown. she was not interested in the products for herself initially but she took my drop card and my MLM business card with her.

MLM Leads

another small  MLM success story:

A couple of days later I received a phone call from a person she had referred my card to one of her customers. this person immediately contacted me and we set up a conference call to review his interest and expectations.  

He was motivated to consume the products as he had received a sample pack sometime in the past but he could not locate his contact anymore so he came to me asking for help!. I sponsor him a few days later and started his training.

He had made some progress and one day I noticed he had enrolled the same lady I had made initial contact on the printing shop weeks ago. He decided to only consume products and not expand his MLM downline however She continues to promote her new MLM business and she moves lots of product as a retailer, she found a secondary product to support her business and she added value for her customers because she included some of our weight loss programs and skin care products in several packages to offer in her local business. Her name is Noelia.

Lessons learned from this MLM success story:

1.- Good leads will come to you when the time is right for them, but you have to wait!
2.- Opportunities to prospect will come unexpectedly and you have to be prepared!
3.- Noelia did not fully trust me as a leader when she first came to me but she trusted enough her sponsor to partner with him. There was an alternate relationship of trust that ultimately brought us together and work in a team.
4.- You don't waste your time looking for that great sponsor machine associate that is going to explode your MLM business, rather concentrate your efforts in finding lots of small distributors and customers.
5.- Not all people that you sponsor are going to be growing their MLM downline, it's their decision and that is why you need to keep seaching for good MLM leaders.
6.- Value added services and products may also serve the purpose of your main business. Find the right ones and bring a smile into your customer's faces. 

Remember: you are looking for people who are looking for you!. Are you ready for them?

Be prepared to find a good MLM lead for your business! MLM team up with us  and share your MLM success stories. We can all learn something new.

Leave us a comment if you have had a similar situation. What would you do different?

Juan Carlos Herrera

Photo by: Krishnan

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

Leadership in Network Marketing builds strong MLM downlines!

Building successful MLM downlines requires leadership skills!

"People may teach what they know, but they can only duplicate what they are!"

Leadership is an essential skill to develop at early stages when enrolling a multilevel marketing business (MLM) because it is required to help other people to create their MLM success story.

Can you imagine promoting your MLM business as a tool to help other become successful individuals by helping them find their way to reach their dreams but you don't know where you are going or how to get there?

Leadership in network marketing is a must! You need to be able to organize, direct, support and provide guidance to your business partners if you want to be able to create wealth from residual income. 

Sifting and Sorting is a requirement to find good people to do business with if you want to write your own MLM success story. Remember the saying" it takes a leader to find another leader"? Well that is the most effective way to duplicate your success and build a powerful MLM downline.

Leadership skills are needed because when you enroll associates to your business you become responsible for their success until they learn how to build their business (this is duplication!). Leaders prepare a plan of action for their new business partner while they are on training.

Developing skills for leadership in network marketing will help you find adequate people to train and team up with so that your MLM business can take off and reach great heights!

Being a good MLM leader will provide you the wisdom necessary to assembly a team of excellent players that will duplicate your efforts! Each individual must be unique and talented but the sum of all will result in great synergy.

So how do we develop leadership skills in network marketing?

Network marketing is all about building relationships and creating bonds between people.

One good way to develop leadership skills is by finding a good mentor and asks him/her to coach your way to build your skills. Good mentors in network marketing industry are everywhere; don't be shy to ask for help! Once you find yours then you are going to shadow him, you are going to see how this person help others, you are going to listen how this person speaks to other people, learn what ways he/she uses to motivates others,  then you are going to duplicate what this person does.

Educate yourself in leadership! There are plenty of books written about this topic. My favorite authors are Richard Templar, Kenneth Blanchard, John C Maxwell, and Dale Carnegie. "The One minute manager" novel explain in great details the concept of Situational Leadership, another excellent reference is "Develop the Leader inside you”.

Watch and enjoy Disney movies! have you noticed how many personal values they teach in all their movies?  Kung Fu panda, Bugs, The lion king, Toy story, Mulan, Ratatouille, Remember the Titans, Narnia, Eight below, Miracle, etc. the list is long! Choose one and watch their leadership style.

Leadership in network marketing is a skill you develop one day at a time! You don't need to be perfect to start but you need to be consistent in order to develop adequate levels. It will help you to promote loyalty in your associates and increase the retention rate of the entire MLM downline.

Team up with your organization to create bonds that last! Team up with your most productive and efficient associates to build strong organizations.

Team up with a purpose in mind: being able to help others create their MLM success stories.

If you can imagine it, you can create it!
if you can dream it, you can become it!

Share your story, leave a comment!


Team up for success!

Juan Carlos Herrera
Photos by:

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Teamwork in Network Marketing

How to teamwork for Network Marketing Success?
Here is a little story about a brief description of how team works, taken from the Book of Daniel Colombo, Opening Paths.


One morning on a beautiful spring like day a disciple asked his master:

- What is the difference between heaven and hell?

His Master replied:

- Hell is a place where there is big plantation of rice and people can only eat it with a 3 meters length spoon, they have the food but they are starving because spoons are so large that they cannot feed themselves.

The disciple then asked,

- So then how is it in heaven?

- it’s pretty much the same, they have rice and 3 meter length spoons, the difference is that they don’t try to feed themselves, they feed each other at reach.


How does it relate to my business?

Success in Network Marketing or MLM depends a lot on team work and cooperation. Teamwork is a skill that is not easily understood, we all know what it is but we don't necessarily know how to use it or when it's appropriate to use it. Network Marketing has its foundation in building Trust and relationships with each other in the organization, that implies that we must cooperate in some ways to help the group and specially others where we see they have weaknesses.

It is human nature to be selfish, it is also a habit not to ask for help and accept the fact that we don’t have all the answers and that is exactly where the concept of teamwork in MLM must take place. We must help each other be successful. Each of us has developed certain skills and capabilities over time but we don't have all of what is required to be successful in the beginning so we must work together to compensate and complement weaknesses with skills and capabilities from other members in the organization.

It has been said many times that network marketing is by far the best of all businesses schemes available for the average person to succeed, however the success over failure ratio is less than 5 % so why is that? One good reason is because we do not work as a team nor we don't want to team with other people, and that my friend goes against the most significant and misunderstood value in Multilevel marketing industry: TRUST. If you don't trust in yourself, you are going to fail, if you don't trust your upline, you are going to fail. If you don't trust your downline, you and them are going to fail.

- I am not going to tell my secrets because they are going to steal my market!
- I am not going to reveal my secrets in public; I rather write an eBook and sell the knowledge to make more money.
- I am not going to train them all because they are not worth my time.

Etc, etc, etc.

It takes a leader to find another leader, but it takes a team to build an MLM organization with a successful story!.
Team Up is a personal choice; Team Up is about working together to succeed as a group. Team Up is about sharing knowledge. It's about creating a network of people with values. Team Up is about teamwork 100%.

Team Up for your success!

If you have more stories that educate and teach values for network marketing and you want to share them, please leave a comment.

Juan Carlos,

Photos: Castillo Dominici