jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Finding MLM Leads for my business

How I unexpectedly found a good MLM lead for my business!

Good MLM leads will always show up when the time is right for them, Are you ready?

A few months ago I stopped by a printing shop near my office at work, I was going to pick up some drop cards I use to prospect local MLM leads. There were a couple of other customers in the shop so I had to wait for a few minutes.

While the manager was talking to these customers, one of his assistants brought me the drop cards package so that I can start reviewing quality of the printing. They were excellent piece of work! I pulled one card designed to attract leads for our natural weight loss program.

The design caught the attention of one the customers and she immediatelly approached me with a question!

We had a conversation on the subject for about 10-15 minutes, she happened to be a foot massage therapist and she came from a city located 4 hours from my hometown. she was not interested in the products for herself initially but she took my drop card and my MLM business card with her.

MLM Leads

another small  MLM success story:

A couple of days later I received a phone call from a person she had referred my card to one of her customers. this person immediately contacted me and we set up a conference call to review his interest and expectations.  

He was motivated to consume the products as he had received a sample pack sometime in the past but he could not locate his contact anymore so he came to me asking for help!. I sponsor him a few days later and started his training.

He had made some progress and one day I noticed he had enrolled the same lady I had made initial contact on the printing shop weeks ago. He decided to only consume products and not expand his MLM downline however She continues to promote her new MLM business and she moves lots of product as a retailer, she found a secondary product to support her business and she added value for her customers because she included some of our weight loss programs and skin care products in several packages to offer in her local business. Her name is Noelia.

Lessons learned from this MLM success story:

1.- Good leads will come to you when the time is right for them, but you have to wait!
2.- Opportunities to prospect will come unexpectedly and you have to be prepared!
3.- Noelia did not fully trust me as a leader when she first came to me but she trusted enough her sponsor to partner with him. There was an alternate relationship of trust that ultimately brought us together and work in a team.
4.- You don't waste your time looking for that great sponsor machine associate that is going to explode your MLM business, rather concentrate your efforts in finding lots of small distributors and customers.
5.- Not all people that you sponsor are going to be growing their MLM downline, it's their decision and that is why you need to keep seaching for good MLM leaders.
6.- Value added services and products may also serve the purpose of your main business. Find the right ones and bring a smile into your customer's faces. 

Remember: you are looking for people who are looking for you!. Are you ready for them?

Be prepared to find a good MLM lead for your business! MLM team up with us  and share your MLM success stories. We can all learn something new.

Leave us a comment if you have had a similar situation. What would you do different?

Juan Carlos Herrera

Photo by: FreeDigitalPhotos.net/Renjit Krishnan

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