miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

Leadership in Network Marketing builds strong MLM downlines!

Building successful MLM downlines requires leadership skills!

"People may teach what they know, but they can only duplicate what they are!"

Leadership is an essential skill to develop at early stages when enrolling a multilevel marketing business (MLM) because it is required to help other people to create their MLM success story.

Can you imagine promoting your MLM business as a tool to help other become successful individuals by helping them find their way to reach their dreams but you don't know where you are going or how to get there?

Leadership in network marketing is a must! You need to be able to organize, direct, support and provide guidance to your business partners if you want to be able to create wealth from residual income. 

Sifting and Sorting is a requirement to find good people to do business with if you want to write your own MLM success story. Remember the saying" it takes a leader to find another leader"? Well that is the most effective way to duplicate your success and build a powerful MLM downline.

Leadership skills are needed because when you enroll associates to your business you become responsible for their success until they learn how to build their business (this is duplication!). Leaders prepare a plan of action for their new business partner while they are on training.

Developing skills for leadership in network marketing will help you find adequate people to train and team up with so that your MLM business can take off and reach great heights!

Being a good MLM leader will provide you the wisdom necessary to assembly a team of excellent players that will duplicate your efforts! Each individual must be unique and talented but the sum of all will result in great synergy.

So how do we develop leadership skills in network marketing?

Network marketing is all about building relationships and creating bonds between people.

One good way to develop leadership skills is by finding a good mentor and asks him/her to coach your way to build your skills. Good mentors in network marketing industry are everywhere; don't be shy to ask for help! Once you find yours then you are going to shadow him, you are going to see how this person help others, you are going to listen how this person speaks to other people, learn what ways he/she uses to motivates others,  then you are going to duplicate what this person does.

Educate yourself in leadership! There are plenty of books written about this topic. My favorite authors are Richard Templar, Kenneth Blanchard, John C Maxwell, and Dale Carnegie. "The One minute manager" novel explain in great details the concept of Situational Leadership, another excellent reference is "Develop the Leader inside you”.

Watch and enjoy Disney movies! have you noticed how many personal values they teach in all their movies?  Kung Fu panda, Bugs, The lion king, Toy story, Mulan, Ratatouille, Remember the Titans, Narnia, Eight below, Miracle, etc. the list is long! Choose one and watch their leadership style.

Leadership in network marketing is a skill you develop one day at a time! You don't need to be perfect to start but you need to be consistent in order to develop adequate levels. It will help you to promote loyalty in your associates and increase the retention rate of the entire MLM downline.

Team up with your organization to create bonds that last! Team up with your most productive and efficient associates to build strong organizations.

Team up with a purpose in mind: being able to help others create their MLM success stories.

If you can imagine it, you can create it!
if you can dream it, you can become it!

Share your story, leave a comment!


Team up for success!

Juan Carlos Herrera
Photos by: FreeDigitalPhotos.net/JSCreationzs

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