martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Teamwork in Network Marketing

How to teamwork for Network Marketing Success?
Here is a little story about a brief description of how team works, taken from the Book of Daniel Colombo, Opening Paths.


One morning on a beautiful spring like day a disciple asked his master:

- What is the difference between heaven and hell?

His Master replied:

- Hell is a place where there is big plantation of rice and people can only eat it with a 3 meters length spoon, they have the food but they are starving because spoons are so large that they cannot feed themselves.

The disciple then asked,

- So then how is it in heaven?

- it’s pretty much the same, they have rice and 3 meter length spoons, the difference is that they don’t try to feed themselves, they feed each other at reach.


How does it relate to my business?

Success in Network Marketing or MLM depends a lot on team work and cooperation. Teamwork is a skill that is not easily understood, we all know what it is but we don't necessarily know how to use it or when it's appropriate to use it. Network Marketing has its foundation in building Trust and relationships with each other in the organization, that implies that we must cooperate in some ways to help the group and specially others where we see they have weaknesses.

It is human nature to be selfish, it is also a habit not to ask for help and accept the fact that we don’t have all the answers and that is exactly where the concept of teamwork in MLM must take place. We must help each other be successful. Each of us has developed certain skills and capabilities over time but we don't have all of what is required to be successful in the beginning so we must work together to compensate and complement weaknesses with skills and capabilities from other members in the organization.

It has been said many times that network marketing is by far the best of all businesses schemes available for the average person to succeed, however the success over failure ratio is less than 5 % so why is that? One good reason is because we do not work as a team nor we don't want to team with other people, and that my friend goes against the most significant and misunderstood value in Multilevel marketing industry: TRUST. If you don't trust in yourself, you are going to fail, if you don't trust your upline, you are going to fail. If you don't trust your downline, you and them are going to fail.

- I am not going to tell my secrets because they are going to steal my market!
- I am not going to reveal my secrets in public; I rather write an eBook and sell the knowledge to make more money.
- I am not going to train them all because they are not worth my time.

Etc, etc, etc.

It takes a leader to find another leader, but it takes a team to build an MLM organization with a successful story!.
Team Up is a personal choice; Team Up is about working together to succeed as a group. Team Up is about sharing knowledge. It's about creating a network of people with values. Team Up is about teamwork 100%.

Team Up for your success!

If you have more stories that educate and teach values for network marketing and you want to share them, please leave a comment.

Juan Carlos,

Photos: Castillo Dominici

2 comentarios:

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