lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Successful MLM downline tips!

5 tips to build a strong MLM downline!

It is no mistery that it takes time to build a strong MLM downline all by yourself, however if you find 3 or 4 key team players that you can mentor and coach to duplicate your efforts, then you will position yourself in with a competitive advantage to speed up the growth of your network marketing organization.

Team Leadership is a requirement to move the organization towards a common goal.

Tips to build an MLM downline

Here are 5 tips that are going to help you build strong relationships with your downline. 

Tip #1. Choose your best associates for your organization. 

You have to be very carefull when you choose people to sponsor in your MLM organization. Learning how to select key individuals will bring a long term benefit to build up a succesful MLM downline.

Efficient and motivated organizations in network marketing are always driven by strong comitted team leaders that  sift and sort through the pool of prospects.

If you are begining your business and you start making decisions to recruit just anybody for your organization then you will struggle eventually to team up with them and construct a success MLM story.

Avoid at all cost being tempted to just sponsor all kinds of people in your organization, there are plenty of individuals looking for your opportunity but you have to find them.

You have to select only those like minded, self motivated individuals that are willing to step up above the crowd and make things happen for their business.

Tip # 2. Become a Mentor of your team.

Even if you sponsor the best prospects for your organization that will not bring success to your MLM business. You have to be able to provide guidance and support to your new associates with encouragement.

Offer useful help during their training period. Make them feel comfortable working with you and don't push them, let them set up their own pace and rythm! remember that it is their business unit within your organization and they might not have the same needs and goals that you have in the short term.

I would rather have one individual properly trained that builds his/her dream house one brick at a time but steadily because this person has its own incentives. They will not give up on them unless you let them alone.

Keep a personal contact with them and begin building up a relationship of trust with your MLM downline on a firm ground.

This is an important aspect in the process of building your relationship of trust as you team up with your MLM downline.

Empower in the form of encouragement, empower in the form of proving valuable information on key opportunities.

It is not always possible to maintain the same level of enthusiasm and momentum in any business so you must find the time to keep your organization motivated. Send emails on their first sign up of your associates. hand written notes are even better.

Enjoy and applaude success in your team!

Tip # 4. Training must be part of the system

If you want your MLM downline to duplicate your efforts and expand your organization, you have to provide a systemic training process. It should be clear to your organization what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and where to go if anything goes wrong.

Seminars and interactive session should be part of a weekly routine, teach them essentials skills and how to techniques that help them develop their habits and beliefs through practical excercise and role playing

Build some incentives as part of the training through some competition among teams.

Try to maintain a friendly personal environment and make it fun for everybody, this will keep them fire up and motivated and as a result you will see an increase in retention rate in your donwline members and consequently build a solid residual income from your network marketing business unit.

please feel free to share this post with your upline and downline if you find it helpful.

in the meantime, Team Up for sucess!

Juan Carlos Herrera

Photos by: / Renjit Krishnan

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